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Our purpose is to educate high school students by providing them with lessons in everyday language that are easy to understand and problems with step-by-step solutions that are clear and easy to follow. Donate today and help us to continue to offer our curriculum based lessons and out step-by-step solutions for all problem types. Infrastructure is needed to keep the lessons available for high school students. By making a gift today, you will be helping us offset infrastructure costs, so that we can insure that every high school student that visits our website has access to our math lessons. The subscription cost for our lessons has been set at only $30 per year to provide an accessible price to high school students that are financially strapped. Your donation will complement this low price in order to support the needed infrastructure.
Your gift will be helping needy high school students learn math from the best math lessons available. We thank you for choosing to donate to
Your gift will be helping needy high school students learn math from the best math lessons available. We thank you for choosing to donate to